Why do Jews say "JESUS IS NOT DIVINE"?


You of course do not take Zech.12:10 seriously; as you will be forced to, perhaps in the not too distant future!


All that you and your teachers disregard at present will have to be re-examined in the Light of the 2nd. appearance of Christ Jesus (Your Messiah); who will Graciously allow any of your people who are willing to Join Him, and those already with Him (His Body of Gentiles and some Jews), who have been joining Him since His Offer of Salvation became current, (i.e. since He became the “First Fruit”, and presented Himself before His Father in Heaven)!

Your predecessors became “Lo-Ammi” at Acts 28:25–28; which was prophesied in Isa. 6:9–10; and although the Salvation of Christ Jesus has been open to you, it is as 2nd. in priority to Almighty God because of the importance of the Gentiles waiting to become the Lord’s people (Romans.11:25–27); and your status as “Ammi” must wait until Romans. 9:30–33; and the events of Zech.12:10!

The state your nation and your heart’s are in, is because of your disloyalty to your God; which is spelled out in Malachi, and many places in the Bible; I pray that you will turn to Him Who is Your Creator God; whilst you may; Psm. 2:10–12!


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